23/03/2024 | Ztech CTV

Currently, Facebook is one of the most popular social networks in the world, so protecting personal information has become increasingly important. At the same time, users also face the problem of fake accounts. In this article, Proxyv4 will help you learn more about what “Link 948” is. How to use link 948 to report fake Facebook accounts

What is Link 948? How to use link 948 to report fake Facebook accounts
What is Link 948? How to use link 948 to report fake Facebook accounts

What is Link 948?

Link 948 is Facebook’s support link to help users report fake accounts, fake accounts, and fake accounts with genuine owners to profit on Facebook…

What are the effects of link 948?

When mentioning link 195, people will think of using it for Tut to quickly change his birthday on Facebook. As for Link 948, it is not simply a tool for reporting fake accounts on Facebook but also brings outstanding effects to users and businesses. Here are three important effects of Link 948:

What are the effects of link 948?
What are the effects of link 948?

Protect your identity

Link 948 plays an important role in protecting users’ online identities on Facebook. On this social network, it is not uncommon for fake accounts to be created for the purpose of defrauding or stealing users’ personal information. By using Link 948 to report these accounts, users can help prevent misuse of personal information and protect themselves from potential risks.

Safety information

Using Link 948 also means preventing unauthorized use of personal information on Facebook. By reporting fake accounts, users help increase the safety and security of the online community, prevent privacy violations, and ensure a healthier and safer online environment.

Business support

Link 948 not only benefits individuals but also supports businesses in protecting their image and reputation on social networks. By using Link 948 to report fake business accounts, organizations can prevent unauthorized use of their brand and protect their online reputation. This helps maintain customer trust and build a positive image of the business in the online community.

In short, Link 948 is not only a fake account reporting tool but also an important means to protect identity, and information security and support businesses on the social network Facebook. Effective use of Link 948 will contribute to a safer and more reliable online environment for all users.

How to use link 948 to report fake Facebook accounts

When using Link 948 to report a fake account on Facebook, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Access link 948:


Step 2: Select “Someone created an account impersonating me or a friend”

What is Link 948? How to use link 948 to report fake Facebook accounts
What is Link 948? How to use link 948 to report fake Facebook accounts

Step 3: Next Do you have a Facebook account? (choose “no”)

Step 4: Is this account impersonating you? (select “Yes, I’m being impersonated”)

Step 5: Please enter your full name and contact email address

Step 6: Enter the full name on the impostor’s page

Step 7: The email address or mobile phone number is listed on the impostor’s personal page (if available) – in case it is not available, use ID@facebook.com (ID is the impostor account ID )

Step 8: Upload your identification document(s) (ID card, driver’s license, insurance card, passport, birth certificate,…)

Step 9: Link (URL) to the impostor’s profile (copy and paste there)

Step 10: The additional information you write is as follows:

Hello Facebook team.

This is the account that impersonated me. We hope the Facebook team will review and disable that account!

Then click send and you’re done

Usually within 24 hours (in some cases it may be longer) there will be a response email from Facebook depending on the personality (hihi) or the account will be locked!

Notes when using link 948 to report fake Facebook accounts

When using link 948 to report fake Facebook accounts, users should note the following:

  • Need to verify correct information: Before reporting an account, make sure you thoroughly check the account information and activity to make sure it is indeed a fake account. Avoid erroneous or inaccurate reporting.
  • Only report fake accounts: Use Link 948 only if you are sure that the account is fake, fraudulent, or violates Facebook policies. Avoid using Link 948 to report accounts that have no problems or improper purposes.
  • Provide specific information: When using Link 948, provide specific and transparent information about why you believe the account is fake. Add any information that might help Facebook better understand the status of that account.
  • Comply with Facebook’s rules: When using Link 948, make sure to comply with Facebook’s rules and policies. Avoid using Link 948 abusively or fraudulently, as this may lead to undesirable consequences for your account.
  • Store evidence: If possible, store evidence of the fake activity of the account you are reporting. This may include inappropriate screenshots, posts, or messages.
  • Contact Facebook when necessary: In case you have problems or need support, contact Facebook directly for more detailed help and advice on the fake account reporting process.

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Above is information about what link 948 is and how to use link 948 to report fake Facebook accounts. Hope the above information will help you!


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